The Local Council is not the only avenue to obtain a building approval. Some councils do not provide in house building certification services.

Vermeer Building Certification (VBC) is licenced by the State Government, Queensland Building & Construction Commission, to assess and issue building approvals. The local council’s role in the process is then limited to assess and approve the plumbing application (if required) and to retain the approved building documents in archive against the property for future reference.  

During the assessment process, the proposed building work may trigger a referral application or town planning application to the local council or the owner of relevant infrastructure (eg Qld Urban Utilities). These additional approvals may be required to be obtained to form part of the building approval. The QLD Building Act 1975 identifies what building work is self-assessable and when a building approval is required. Construction of assessable building work should not commence until the building approval has been issued.

Building Approval Process:

Engage and Lodge relevant documents with Vermeer Building Certification.
  • Complete VBC information and engagement form
  • Construction plans
  • Engineer’s soil report, footing, slab designs & Form 15 Compliance Certificate
  • Dwelling House energy efficiency report
  • Queensland Building & Construction Commission builder’s confirmation of insurance or Owner Builders number
  • Confirmation of Qleave payment if the value of the work is in excess of $150,000 excluding gst
  • Current title search
  • Relevant infrastructure (sewer, stormwater, electricity etc) as-constructed designs or plans
  • Plumbing designs for non-sewered sites and local council plumbing approval
Engage and Lodge relevant documents with Vermeer Building Certification.
  • Complete VBC information and engagement form
  • Construction plans
  • Engineer’s soil report, footing, slab designs & Form 15 Compliance Certificate
  • Dwelling House energy efficiency report
  • Queensland Building & Construction Commission builder’s confirmation of insurance or Owner Builders number
  • Confirmation of Qleave payment if the value of the work is in excess of $150,000 excluding gst
  • Current title search
  • Relevant infrastructure (sewer, stormwater, electricity etc) as-constructed designs or plans
  • Plumbing designs for non-sewered sites and local council plumbing approval

VBC to assess the application, if complete and correct issue building approval to owner and builder.

If additional information, documents, referrals or additional approvals are required an information request will be sent out to the applicant advising what is required in order to proceed with the application.

Once all relevant information/documents, additional referral approvals or planning approvals are obtained issue the building approval to owner and builder.

VBC lodge the approved documents for archive purposes with the relevant Local Council.

Once approval is issued, construction can commence.

Inspections are required to be carried out as listed in the Conditions of Approval.  As a guide, the usual requirements are-

  • Class 1a Dwellings – Footing, Slab, Frame and Final
  • Class 10a Sheds, Carports, Patios Etc – Final

Builder to provide certificates to VBC as per the conditions of Approval.

Once all inspections have been undertaken and passed, and all certificates have been provided, the Form 16 Stage Certificates and the Form 21 Final Certificate can be issued to all parties.

Final Certificates lodged by VBC with the relevant Local Council for archiving against the property.